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by Yasmina Reza

          A Painting Is Worth Only What Someone Will Pay For It

                               May 2022

At Footlights we want to take a look at the plays we do and asks questions. Particularly, the questions we ask are how elements in the play can be seen in day to day life. (how life imitates art) Being that theatre’s primary goal is to hold the mirror up to society and say “this is what you are.”

Our play Art, does just that. It tells the story of Serge who spends, according to his friend Marc, too much on a painting with no esthetic value, as it is a white painting with white stripes. Marc, in no uncertain terms, calls the painting “S&%T” and

expresses his disbelief that his oldest friend could put down so much for the work. Serge pleads with Marc and says to him, “you don’t understand that is what it costs.” A painting is worth what someone will pay for it.

That sentiment made history on November 2017, when “Salvator Mundi” (presumably by Leonardo Da Vinci – as there is some doubt to the paintings authenticity) was sold by Christie’s Auction House to a Saudi Prince for the record-breaking price of $400 MILLION dollars.  


(Don’t believe it? Here is the link for info on the painting and the winning bid.

A painting IS worth what someone will pay for it.


Art is in the Eye of the Beholder

May 2022

One of the themes of our next play, Art, involves a matter of taste.  Serge buys a painting that his friends have a hard time appreciating with the same gusto that he does.


Serge likes modernism, his friend Marc…doesn’t and their friend Yvan isn’t sure how to express his true feelings regarding the work.


Let’s pull the curtain back on a favorite to make fun of . . . Jackson Pollack. His style has come to represent a stylized mess. Google Jackson Pollack jokes and you’ll find references to the crude, the messy, and the juvenile. (and Guardians of the Galaxy . . . the one about the black light 😊)

One can take a trip to the Art Institute of Chicago to see some of his works. Some may wonder why his works hold such prestige, while a toddler’s fingerpainting may not.

While it is not our job here at Footlights to be art critics, we do empathize with our character of Marc. What makes something Art?


A Lesson in Ink

May 2022

Russia has been in the news a lot lately. We’re going to talk about Russia too, but not in the way you’d expect. In keeping with our “Art” theme, we’ll visit a Russian art gallery where a bored security guard draws eyes on an avant-garde painting featuring three abstract, eyeless painting. As if drawing on a painting wasn’t enough, this was our security guards first night on the job. He states that he had no motive to do the act, except for a “lapse in sanity.”


Luckily he didn’t press too hard with the ball point pen and the painting could be restored.


Come see our show Art and experience a few surprising “lapse in judgements” some reversable and perhaps some not…you decide.

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Footlights Theatre - Established December 2021
Our logo designed by the talented Bobbi Johnson
Website designed by Sara Yach

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